Data Privacy
Data privacy, also called information privacy, is the aspect of information technology (IT) that deals with the ability an organization or individual has to determine what data in a computer system can be shared with third parties.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum
massa vel auctor molestie. Pellentesque luctus viverra neque. Cras sed
ligula vitae libero scelerisque porttitor non vitae turpis. Suspendisse
magna lacus, placerat sed faucibus quis, euismod eget neque. Fusce
convallis porttitor eleifend. Nam congue odio at vulputate varius.
Vestibulum sit amet sodales neque, egestas ultrices lacus. Nulla dictum
lectus ac nisi efficitur, ac luctus nulla egestas. In nec lacus blandit
ante tincidunt rutrum. Morbi ac accumsan ligula. Phasellus a metus
malesuada, dictum magna et, ornare nibh. Maecenas rhoncus neque blandit
urna euismod, non tincidunt massa dictum. Morbi facilisis tempor odio at
Curabitur molestie, libero in dictum finibus, ipsum enim dictum augue,
in vestibulum mi tellus vitae magna. Etiam nec mattis lectus, sed rutrum
ligula. Donec sodales urna vel eleifend faucibus. Quisque quis quam sed
nisl fringilla auctor. Phasellus massa quam, egestas ac dui et,
tristique ultrices leo. Vivamus tortor justo, facilisis vitae lectus at,
efficitur efficitur justo. Nunc consectetur gravida quam, varius
lobortis turpis rutrum non. Etiam congue maximus urna, maximus interdum
justo aliquet a. Nulla nisl ex, suscipit sit amet sapien a, aliquam
dictum erat. Donec rutrum, orci ut ultricies volutpat, turpis nunc
placerat neque, a cursus dolor leo et massa. Aenean quis felis eu lacus
pellentesque interdum. Nulla accumsan ornare velit efficitur
Praesent sed scelerisque nisi, sit amet semper tellus. Proin dui ipsum,
ultrices nec nisi non, lacinia euismod nisl. In eget laoreet nisl, eget
bibendum eros. Nunc non lacus sagittis, iaculis ex quis, bibendum enim.
Integer vestibulum ligula a velit placerat euismod. Aliquam vehicula
rutrum elit, a pellentesque enim consequat vitae. Suspendisse potenti.
Vestibulum quis augue quis lacus sagittis fermentum. Etiam non porttitor
augue. Aenean sit amet nibh vitae eros suscipit lacinia. Praesent lacus
neque, fermentum ac diam nec, tristique luctus libero. Praesent congue
velit dolor, ut efficitur quam tincidunt nec. Sed varius nisl turpis.
Nunc nibh dolor, vestibulum at laoreet eu, pulvinar id sem. Maecenas sit
amet malesuada quam. Cras erat metus, commodo et turpis sed, facilisis
faucibus tortor. Duis enim enim, blandit nec leo id, condimentum
sagittis odio. Ut vulputate, orci lacinia tempus tincidunt, diam diam
molestie nisi, id faucibus sem mauris vitae magna. Maecenas in dolor
pretium, porta ex ut, porttitor risus. Phasellus hendrerit et est at
dignissim. Vestibulum vehicula ante vitae justo volutpat maximus. Nunc
euismod est at diam pretium suscipit.
Quisque sed orci quis augue fringilla varius. Proin ornare libero a
dictum feugiat. Integer non libero sodales, commodo nisl ut, consequat
neque. Nullam maximus blandit urna, non aliquam nunc faucibus id.
Curabitur at tincidunt elit, ut elementum massa. Curabitur et nibh
maximus, pretium lacus eu, lobortis mi. Vestibulum sapien sapien,
hendrerit in cursus et, aliquam quis turpis. Curabitur ultrices turpis
at justo bibendum dictum. Proin mollis eleifend imperdiet. Nullam dictum
volutpat lorem sed feugiat. Integer condimentum eros ut neque tempor
tincidunt. Curabitur pharetra odio fringilla nisl elementum, in placerat
dui commodo. Donec risus libero, suscipit sit amet diam in, aliquam
faucibus risus. Nunc id posuere purus, vel pharetra odio.
Student Application and Enrollment
ptc assures stakeholders that safeguarding of personal data is of utmost priority of the institution. The Data Privacy Notice provides information on collection; use; storage, retention and destruction; access; and disclosure and sharing of personal records of student applicants and students.
I. Data Subject – Student-Applicants
A. Collection
ptc, through the Admissions Center, collects personal information from applicants upon registration to the online portal, which is part of its online enrollment system. Student-applicants, 18 years old above, are expected to accomplish this form. For Senior High School –applicants below 18 years of age, applicants are expected to have sought their parents consent upon application.
The personal data collected consist of:
- Complete Name, Gender, Birthday, Civil Status, Nationality, Residence, and Contact Numbers (Telephone and Mobile Numbers), Email of Applicant
- Disability/Ailment
- Name, Address, Contact Number, and Email of Parents
- Name, Address, Contact Number, and Email of Guardian/Spouse (if applicable)
- Name and Address of High School and/or College; Inclusive Years of Attendance, and awards/honors received
- Licensure Exams passed and Work Experience (If applicable)
For International Students
- Photocopy of Birth Certificate and Scholastic Records duly authenticated by Philippine Service Post located in the student’s country of origin or legal residence.
- Photocopy of passport bio-page duly authenticated by Philippine Foreign Service post and latest admission with valid authorized stay
- Photocopy of notarized affidavit of support including bank statements or notarized notice of grant for institutional scholars to cover for the expenses for the student’s accommodation and subsistence, as well as school dues, and other incidental expenses
For Filipino students with dual citizenship
- Photocopy of valid Philippine Passport or Photocopy of Certificate of Recognition as citizen of the Philippines issued by the Bureau of Immigration
- Entrance examination produces scores for each individual applicant. Other personal information of applicants is revealed and obtained from the interview.
B. Use
Personal Data collected via online registration will be used for identification of applicant and verification of data against other requirements submitted. Aggregate profile of applicants shall be generated by the Admissions Center, which can be used to strengthen recruitment. Contact information of applicants of the right age and of parents of minors are utilized to communicate instructions and to follow up application, if necessary. Other personal records such as grades and entrance test scores are bases for evaluation of application.
C. Storage, Retention and Destruction
Applicants are ensured that personal records will be protected against accidental and unlawful destruction, alteration, and disclosure. Security measures are in place for storing records. Once enrolled, records will be retained until graduation or even after transfer to another educational institution. For applicants who did not enroll, records will be deleted and destroyed one academic year after.
D. Access
Personal data will be held with utmost confidentially. Access to the record is limited only to authorized staff and administrators for purposes related to their tasks in the application and admitting of students.
E. Disclosure and Sharing
Personnel who have access are bound to protect personal data from accidental and unlawful disclosure and sharing. However, ptc will be obliged if mandated by law and legal proceeding.
II. Data Subject – Students
A. Collection
Aside the personal data obtained during the application period, original copies of records from students shall be collected upon enrollment through the Admissions Center
- Copy of the Birth Certificate (For international students, the copy is duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post from the country of origin or legal residence
- Original copy of grades for the last academic year from the last school attended
(For international students, the copy is duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post from the country of origin or legal residence.)
Report Card for Senior High School and College applicants
- Transcript of Records for College Transferees
- Drug Test results; Affidavit of Waiver for transferees
- Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Credential/Certificate of Eligibility to Transfer for College Transferees
Additional for International students:
- Six (6) copies of the Student’s Personal History Statement (PHS) duly signed by him/her, and his/her national alphabet accompanied by his/her personal seal, if any, and containing, among others, his/her left and right thumbprints and a 2x2 inch photograph on plain white background taken not more than six months prior to submission
Consequently, personal records of students during their entire stay in ptc will be updated which comprised the following: financial data; disciplinary and attendance records; grades in subjects/courses taken; honors and achievements; routine interview, counseling and testing records; and Notice of Acceptance from ptc Admissions Center and Alien Certificate Registration for International students. These subsequent data are protected and used responsibly by specific offices accountable for collection.
B. Use
Personal data of newly admitted students are taken collectively by the Admissions Center to produce a general profile of new students per Department. Aggregate results are deemed useful for the Department to address the needs of students and to provide the academic environment and support programs suited for students. Other personal records are given specifically to the Chairperson, Prefects, and Guidance Counselor for monitoring purposes.
The copies of personal records are collected for turn-over to the Registrar’s Office and the Guidance and Counseling Office for storage and safekeeping; and for purposes relevant to their duties and responsibilities.
Information like contact numbers and addresses are maintained and are accessible to authorized personnel of the Department/Office for communication purposes in case of problems and crises and in matters related to school activities.
C. Storage, Retention and Destruction
The personal record of every student will be stored securely and will be updated by concerned offices for as long the student is enrolled in ptc. Security measures are in placed to protect the record from destruction, alteration, and disclosure. All records are retained even after graduation or transfer to another educational institution, except for records turned over to the Guidance and Counseling Office which destroys the data 5 years after graduation and 3 years after transfer.
D. Access
Personal data will be held with utmost confidentially. Access to the record is limited only to authorized staff and administrators for purposes related to their responsibilities.
E. Disclosure and Sharing
Personnel who have access are bound to protect personal data from disclosure and sharing. However, ptc will be obliged if mandated by law and legal proceeding, and if there is a need to protect health and life.
Other Personal records are also shared through the Registrar’s Office as mandated by the following: Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Professional Regulation Commission, Civil Service Commission, and Bureau of Immigration. Verification of graduation/enrollment by a company as part of its employment background investigation is allowed provided that such request was authorized by the student/graduate.